Autonomous Safety and Security for Critical Missions

Transform your existing risk management systems into Autonomous Safety and Security Monitoring using CARETAKER, our AI real-time platform for live video with Zero Trust Network Protection.

Turn-key cloud and hybrid edge solutions are available to meet your critical needs.

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Rules Based Analytics

Draw shapes directly on cameras, set the rules in the properties panel and let CARETAKER do the rest. Best in class toolset that is constantly updated with new features and templates to keep you moving.

CARETAKER'S rules-based analytics are easy to use and allows for precise monitoring control of vehicles, people, and objects.


User Account Management

CARETAKER provides complete User Account Management. Set groups, admin permissions, whitelists, blacklists, Short Messaging Service (SMS) alerts, Email alerts and much more.

Vehicle, Person & Object Detection Classes

Battle-tested neural net algorithms trained on real & synthetic data.


Loko's Synthetic Data Pipeline

Unlimited data for deep training at your command

No data, no problem! We can generate data from scratch with our Synthetic Data Pipeline and build custom algorithms. Simulate any environment, any scenario and gain superior situational awareness for complete battlespace domination.


Open API for Deep Integration

Caretaker API 1.0.0-oas3

HTTP RESTful interface for the Loko AI Caretaker platform for deeper integration with your system.


Our Amazing Team

Joseph Zaki

Founder & CEO

John Mirisch

Director of Government Relations

Dr. Ehsan Adeli

Senior Machine Learning Advisor

Carver Sorensen

Lead Computer Vision Engineer

Kathryn Morrison

Senior Executive Assistant

Dr. James Pita

Game Theory

Katrina Ghazarian

HR Advisor

Dr. George Dailey

Medical Advisor & Investor

Dr. Hooman Melamed

Medical Advisor & Investor

Cyrus Mojibi


Jordan Rambis



Our Partners

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